bokharest black branches in Egypt

Cairo - Zamalek 179 armed forces officers club wall 26th of july st. beside armed forces zamalek club

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Italian Restaurants Restaurants

Cairo - Maadi armed forces club wall corniche el nil corniche el maadi inside hub 2010 food court

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Italian Restaurants Restaurants

Cairo - Nasr City el eshara house wall el thawra st. intersection of omar ibn el khattab st. 8th district beside tivoli plaza food court

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Italian Restaurants Restaurants

Alexandria - Sidi Gaber el guish rd. inside tivoli dome alex food court

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Italian Restaurants Restaurants

Giza - Mohandeseen 11 el batal ahmed abdel aziz st.

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Italian Restaurants Restaurants

Giza - 6th Of October 3rd neighbourhood 2nd district el sheikh zayed inside tivoli dome food court

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Italian Restaurants Restaurants