Hadramawt El Halaby ( sheraton bldgs. Branch )

Cairo - Heliopolis
4 el rashidy st. sheraton bldgs. beside el nozha international hospital
Land Line
0222664898 0222691642
01140011486 01005477103

Similar Places in Heliopolis

22 el rashid st. off el moushir ahmed ismail st., sheraton bldgs. - in front of el nozha international hospital

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Foul & Ta'mya Restaurants

5 el sheikh aly gad el haq st., sheraton bldgs. - near to florida mall


Fast Food Restaurants

5 gad el haq st., off el shaheed sayed zakareya st., sheraton bldgs. - beside les dames pastry

0222672145 01009898775

Fast Food Restaurants