Best of Cafes and Coffee Shops in El Manakh District
Cafes and Coffee Shops in :
Cafes and Coffee Shops in :
Port Said - El Manakh District 23rd of july st. in front of abou tabl market
Port Said - El Manakh District 23rd of july st. intersection of 23rd of december st. inside hollywood downtown
Port Said - El Manakh District tarh el bahr st. in front of port said stadium
Port Said - El Manakh District tarh el bahr st. in front of al masry club stadium
Port Said - El Manakh District 23rd of july st. intersection of 23rd of december st. inside hollywood downtown mall
Port Said - El Manakh District 23rd of july st. intersection of 23rd of december st. inside hollywood downtown mall
Port Said - El Manakh District ashlaa el sawahel st. inside style square mall ground floor
Port Said - El Manakh District tarh el bahr st. beach plaza complex