Best of Hospitals & Medical Centers in Cairo Alex Desert Rd.
Hospitals & Medical Centers in :
Hospitals & Medical Centers in :
Giza - Cairo Alex Desert Rd. km 28 inside dandy mega mall floor b1
Giza - Cairo Alex Desert Rd. km 22 cairo alex desert rd. new giza beside kpmg - hazem hassan
Giza - Cairo Alex Desert Rd. km 20.5 near to kpmg - hazem hassan consulting office
Similar places nearby
Giza - 6th Of October 1st neighbourhood 1st district el sheikh zayed beside el loualoaa center
Giza - 6th Of October 1st neighbourhood 1st district el sheikh zayed inside zayed city center 2nd floor
Giza - 6th Of October cairo university land el sheikh zayed
Giza - 6th Of October 3rd district el sheikh zayed inside el sheikh zayed care center in front of zayed specialized hospital
Giza - 6th Of October central spine el sheikh zayed in front of total egypt gas station